Jan 24, 2014

GlamGlow ThirstyMud Hydrating Treatment First Impression

I have put a few items on my January wishlist but surprise surprise, January is not even over, and I got them. What can you say? Weak will and no self-control could be the reason to blame :(

GlamGlow Thirsty Hydrating Treatment (buy at Sephora)

GlamGlow always has the cutest packaging. Check out my Supermud Mask in this post.

When you open the lid, it says Hello Sexy :)

The treatment is in a light brown/beige cream-like texture with little brown particles in it. But once you apply the mask on your face, the tiny particles dissolve. The mask smell strong coconut. I love coconut scent and this is right up my alley. 

There are a couple of ways to apply the mask. I only tried it once last nite by applying it on my face and let it sit for 30 mins and rinse off. Another method is to apply the mask on your entire face and use it as a thick overnight treatment and leave it on while you have your beauty sleep and rinse off in the morning.

The mask is like a medium thick facial cream. It is not extremely sticky and moisturizing and I assume you can leave it on as an overnight treatment so your skin can fully soak in the nutrients and moisture. 

Let me tell you my first impression of this mask. I left it on for 30 mins and wipe off with a tissue and then massage the rest into my face. The scent is amazing. Coconut reminds me of tropics and I could imagine myself being pampered in this rich mask in the tropics. The result is not as impressive as I have when I first used the Supermud treatment. The result from the Supermud treatment is almost immediate. This one, I feel like I will have to try the second method to let it sit on my face while I sleep. Upon rinsing, I did notice my skin feels more moisturized and hydrated. It is a bit softer but not noticeably softer if that makes sense. But I have to admit this has to be one of the better hydrating facial treatment I have used and believe me, I have used many brands, including those paper masks. This one definitely is superior to those and I will update my review once I have tried the overnight method.

What is your favorite hydrating facial treatment/mask? Any recommendations?

p.s. also included in this Sephora order are two deluxe sample-sized products

Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara and Ole Henriksen Ultimate Lift Eye Gel

Heard a lot of good reviews about this Too Faced mascara and I'm dying to try out.