I have been using the GlamGlow ThirstyMud Hydrating Treatment consistently for the past couple of weeks. I was not too sure if I loved it when I first used it. Read my first impression post.
When I first used the treatment, I applied the mask to my cleaned face and left it on for 30 minutes to an hour and rinse off. The mask has a very strong coconut scent which I love. It is not a very thick mask and I did not apply enough for the first couple of times to see immediate results.
I have to admit that I am quite impatient in trying out new skin care products and after using the SuperMud treatment from the brand and saw immediate results, I was quite skeptical in this one.
So from my third attempt on, I applied a thick layer of the mask onto my face and left it on overnight. I have normal combination skin but my skin could get quite dry around my forehead and chin in the winter time. I don't like the stickiness feeling on my skin and I sleep on my side and on my back throughout the night. With that said, I was worried that half of my mask would be rubbed off my face and transfer onto my pillowcase.
What I did was to wash my face at night and apply a thick layer of the ThirstyMud treatment on. A few hours in and most of the treatment is absorbed into my skin. By the time I went to bed, it was not too sticky anymore. When I woke up in the morning, I was truly amazed of how moisturized my skin is. Feel like my skin has really absorbed all the good stuff from the mask and has a radiant glow but not oily. I kept using the mask every second or third day and I have seen significant improvement of my skin texture.
I am so happy and relieved to report that I love this ThirstyMud Hydrating treatment. I was a bit disappointed when I first used it as it didn't give me immediate result. But later realized that the mask works 10 times better when you apply it and leave it on overnight. Skin really drinks up all the moisture and nutrients from the mask and the beautiful glow I get in the morning is worth every penny.