Jul 6, 2015

Current Skin Care Essentials

I have been using these products for a while and really like what they do for my skin. I find when my skin is not acting up, it is such a breeze to apply minimal make up and barely need any concealers to cover up any blemishes.

Oz Naturals Hyaluronic Acid Serum is such a nice surprise. I was sent this product and never thought this would do much to improve my skin. But it did. It is all natural and very affordable. I apply this after my sunscreen in the morning and it hydrates and my skin feels like it has absorbed a gallon of water into it. I alternate this with the Oz Naturals Vitamin C Serum a couple of times a week. This helps fades dark spots.

Current face moisturizer is Algenist Anti-Aging cream. It is my first Algenist product and I quite like it. It smoothes fine lines and I like to apply this at night.

Next product is a love-hate product. Love it is because I really see results from a handful uses. Hate it is because we can't get it from Sephora.ca. Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Oil is my latest discovery. I got a deluxe sample size from Sephora a couple of weeks ago. Little did I know that as I am falling in love with this product, Sephora has decided, without any warning and PR press release, decided to have a distribution centre in Canada instead of shipping products from the States. Since a lot of products have labeling issues with the stricter Canadian regulations, decided to take a whole bunch of products out of Sephora.ca website, leaving us hung dry. So until I could find somewhere to get this product, I will use this sparingly. This product truly help my skin. Use this alone or apply a serum underneath gives amazing results. Best thing about this is you could see immediate result. For me, I could see my skin being plumper and skin tone evened out with first use. 

Two serums I am in love: Vichy Idealia Life Serum & Kiehl's Midnight Recovery. Have been using the Kiehl's for years and still loving it. Vichy Idealia Life Serum is such a good hydrating serum. If you skin is dying for moisture, this is a must-have for you. The scent is amazing and it is quickly absorbed. When I see my skin being dehydrated, I apply this first after I cleanse my face. Then after 20 mins after it is fully absorbed, apply the Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Oil on top. Since it has avocado oil in it and act as a carrier, it helps whatever product you apply underneath maximize what it does and results are amazing.