Nov 24, 2011


This is my shopping pattern. I placed an online order yesterday with J. Crew. I would stop going to the web site for a while(a few hours but that's it). Then I start to search for new items to be put in my wishlist.   Rarely do I see some new item right away and I would want that immediately and buy impulsively. Instead, I would put the items on my wishlist and let them sit there for a few days.

My wardrobe used to be extremely boring. Clothes are all of the same color group, same style. In other words, nothing exciting. However, those are the pieces I would keep for a long time. They rarely go out of style and I can wear them repeatedly.

Lately, I have decided to add pieces to my wardrobe to add a few zest. Started to wear color and try different styles. Some may work and some may not work. But at least I could say I tried.

Received the J. Crew Christmas gift catalog in the mail. Saw this beautiful necklace with the cardigan and blouse. Fell in love with it. I don't usually wear red but this tone of red is very nice and not overpowering.

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